David Grislis

Hockey Fan & Coach


David Grislis

Toronto-born David Grislis is a Rhode Islander and part of a family of hockey fans. The sport has a special connection to him– David loves the game, and has been involved with it on some level ever since he was a youth.

The pace, the history, the thrill– it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes him so connected to the sport. Whatever it may be, all of these things and more come together in a winning combination that fosters camaraderie and a healthy sense of competition.

David still plays hockey today, too. His organized outlet is playing for the Men’s League at URI. Games are played in the Boss Arena, the first ever indoor ice facility in the entirety of southern Rhode Island. It’s an open facility, and as their site makes clear, it’s not only a great place for the team to practice, but also an awesome space to watch a game or teach the family how to maneuver the ice.

Speaking of family, David Grislis’s hockey related interests aren’t a singular interest. He’s passed on his enthusiasm for hockey to his children, too. Currently he has two twins, aged seven, who are his young hockey pals. They’ve been playing at a young age, too– since three. Not only is David proud to be their father, but he also has the privilege of being their coach, too. They play in the Southern Rhode Island Youth Hockey Association (SIRYHA) with the Mites, a junior travel team. Admittedly, coaching and parenting twin boys can be a bit of a challenge, and in the family runs the inside joke of FFF, or Forced Family Fun. But at the end of the day, everyone is happy to be active and involved with something they enjoy so much.

When he’s not playing or coaching, David Grislis loves supporting the greatest hockey team on earth, six-time Stanley Cup winners Boston Bruins.

David Grislis is a supporter of foster care and adoption for children, giving children a loving home. David Grislis works for DuPont, in the sector of oil that is used for purposes like flame-retardant materials. David Grislis is currently living in Rhode Island.

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